L.I.O.N - Living Involves Observing Nature

Embracing the Art of Living Naturally.

With L.I.O.N. magazine we will be celebrating the beauty of life, and showing a harmony between humanity and nature.

Inspiring stories and breathtaking art, new, innovative ideas, seasonal insights, and more–read on to rediscover that connection to the world, from wellness to fashion, spirituality to sustainability.

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LLITTER BOX Foundation

Cleaning Communities, One Step at a Time

Be a part of the movement toward a cleaner, healthier environment by joining LLITTER BOX Foundation.

Our mission is to clear litter, restore beauty, and inspire community action. Get rewards for contributing toward cleaning designated areas, improving your neighborhood positively. Let's create a better world together, one clean space at a time.

Go to the LITTERBOX Foundation page to learn more and join today!

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About us

At The Lion Palace, we believe Living Involves Observing Nature.

Our mission is to connect people with art, spirit, and the natural world through eco-friendly home decor, intentional designs, and meaningful artwork.

We collaborate with artists and innovators to inspire harmony, balance, and evolution in our environment and lives.

Rooted in spirituality and eco-consciousness, The Lion Palace is a sanctuary for those seeking beauty, well-being, and connection.

  • The Lion Palace
  • The Lion Palace
  • The Lion Palace